2.9 Prepare a book of authorities

Last Reviewed: October 2024 Reviewed by: Court of Appeal Staff

Read the Rules

Rule 27 has more information about books of authorities, including how to file a joint book with the respondent.

If you refer to one or more authorities in your factum (e.g. legislation or a previous court decision that is similar to your case) or if you intend to refer to an authority at the hearing of the appeal you must prepare a book of authorities.

Follow the completion instructions for books of authorities, paper or e-filing.

You can choose to file your own book of authorities or you can agree with the respondent to file a joint book of authorities.

At least 30 days before the hearing of your appeal, you must:

  • File the book of authorities. If you file in paper you will need at least 5 copies – 3 for use of the court, one copy for your own use, plus one copy for each respondent if you are not filing a joint book of authorities.
  • Serve one filed copy of the book of authorities on each respondent (if you are not filing a joint book).

A book of authorities must be filed at least 30 days before the hearing of your appeal.

DIY Tools

Completion instructions for books of authorities, paper or e-filing.


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