2.8 Replies

Last Reviewed: October 2024 Reviewed by: Court of Appeal Staff

In rare situations, the respondent may have raised issues in their factum that you did not address in your factum. In these situations, you have an opportunity to prepare a reply. You must do this not more than 7 days after being served with the respondent’s factum.

Prepare your reply by following the completion instructions for factums and the Word template for reply factums. If you file in paper you will need at least 6 copies – 4 for use by the court, one copy for your own use, plus one copy to serve on each respondent. Serve a filed copy of the reply factum on each respondent. Your reply cannot be more than 5 pages long.

The completion instructions for factums tell you exactly how your reply factum must appear. There is also a Word template for reply factums that incorporates all of the formatting requirements (e.g. page numbering requirements, font type and size etc.). Be sure to follow the completion instructions and use the word template provided.

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