2.1 Gathering the forms you need
To find the court forms you will need for your appeal, go to the BC Court of Appeal Criminal Rules Forms page of the Courts of British Columbia website. The court forms are available in two formats: Word and PDF. You can type your information into the Word version online and then print it out, or print out the PDF version and complete it by hand.
Note: Some of the less commonly used forms referred to in this guide are not available online. You will find tear-out versions of those forms inside the booklet How to Appeal Your Conviction published by Legal Aid BC. Ask for a copy of the booklet at a Legal Aid office (call to find out if they have one first). You may also be able to print out the forms from the PDF version of “How to Appeal Your Conviction” or find a copy of the booklet at a Court of Appeal registry.
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How to Appeal Your Conviction published by Legal Aid BC